Trimming Tools Rizzardini

An Italian company, highly specialised in the design and production of tools for the punching of cast and die-cast parts

Rizzardini srl has an internal structure capable of satisfying Italian and foreign customers with a production capacity of about 150 new tools per year to trim large and small parts.

For many years, Rizzardini has adopted an internal management programme which complies with the regulations of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified quality system.

The system adopted and improved over the years allows us to obtain superior quality products and services, accompanied by a collection of data that feed an archive of information that is vital for our company and our customers.

40 years

of experience in the trimming tool sector

4500 hours

of work per month in total

150 trimming tools

produced per year

35 is the average age

of our staff
Trimming tool design and construction services

Our service does not stop at the design and construction of the tool; we work with the customer at every stage.

In addition to quickly executing quotation requests, we are also available to analyse trimming problems during the study phase of the die-casting part conformation.
We examine 3D models of the moulded part by defining the trimming method and any potential problems. This comparison allows evaluations that simplify the cycle and make production more reliable.

Even after the start of production, we assist our customers in analysing any changes/upgrades to the part, supply spare parts for tooling and performing maintenance keeping track of the entire lifetime of the trimming tool in our management system.

Fast quotes and

trimming analysis

Design and programming

with state-of-the-art CAD-CAM software

Production and assembly

in planned stages

Complete delivery of documentation

respecting the agreed timeframe

After-sales service

throughout the trimming tool life

Collection of all job data

in our customised management system

Customised quotes